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 Write a byte to a specified I/O port


     FT_OUTP( <nPort>, <nValue> ) -> lResult


     <nPort> is the port from which to retrieve the byte.

     <nValue> is the value between 0 and 255 to write to the port.


    .T. if all parameters were valid and the byte was written to
        the port.
    .F. if invalid parameters were passed.


    It may sometimes be useful to write a byte to a port without having
    to resort to C or assembler.  This function allows you to do so.

    The source code is written to adhere to Turbo Assembler's IDEAL mode.
    To use another assembler, you will need to rearrange the PROC and
    SEGMENT directives, and also the ENDP and ENDS directives (a very
    minor task).


    lOk := FT_OUTP( 100, 0 )   // send a Chr(0) to port 100 (064h)

 Source: OUTP.ASM

 Author: Ted Means

See Also: FT_INP()

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