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X-Hacker.org- Nanforum Toolkit v2.1 Reference Guide - <b>ft_wrtchr()</b>
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Display character on screen
FT_WRTCHR( <nRow>, <nCol>, <cChar>, <nColor> ) -> NIL
<nRow> and <nCol> are the screen coordinates.
<cChar> is the single character to print on the screen.
<nColor> is an integer representing the color attribute.
The formula is:
nFore + ( nBack * 16 )
This is a high speed function to display a single ASCII character
on screen in a specified color attribute. This function is useful
for constructing screens with a lot of text or repetitive screen prints
where speed is important. It is faster and requires less memory than
FT_VIDSTR(). A working example is contained in ClrTable.Prg.
FOR nX = 1 to MaxRow()
FOR nY = 1 to MaxCol()
FT_PRNTCHR( nX, nY, ".", (nX - 1)+(nY * 16) )
This example will write the ASCII character 249 to every location
on screen in every possible color combination. It will recognize
the status of SetBlink(). It uses direct video writes for speed.
Source: VIDEO1.C
Author: Robert A. DiFalco
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