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X-Hacker.org- Microsoft C 6.0 - Norton Guide
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Precedence Precedence of Expressions in C
Conversions Usual Arithmetic Conversions
. Structure Member operator
-> Indirect Structure Field Reference operator
++ Increment operator (prefix and postfix)
-- Decrement operator (prefix and postfix)
:> Base operator
sizeof Size of Variable or Type (unary)
~ Bitwise NOT operator (unary)
! Logical NOT operator (unary)
& Address (unary); Bitwise AND (binary)
* Indirection (unary); Multiplication (binary)
/ Division operator
+ Identity (unary); Addition (binary)
- Negation (unary); Subtraction (binary)
<< Bitwise Shift Left
>> Bitwise Shift Right
== Equality operator
!= Inequality operator (Not Equal)
< Less Than operator
> Greater Than operator
<= Less Than or Equal To operator
>= Greater Than or Equal To
^ Bitwise Exclusive OR operator (XOR)
| Bitwise OR operator
&& Logical AND operator
|| Logical OR operator
? : Conditional operator (ternary)
= Assignment operator
op= Compound Assignment operator
, Expression evaluation
% Modulus operator
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