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 outp()                  Write a Byte to the Specified Port

 #include   <conio.h>                    Required for declarations only

 int        outp(port,value);
 unsigned   port;                        Port number
 int        value;                       Output value

    outp() writes 1 byte to the specified output port 'port'.  'port'
    must be an unsigned integer in the range 0-65535; value can be any
    integer in the range 0-255.  The port does not have to be opened or
    closed before I/O is performed, so there are no corresponding open or
    close routines.

    Returns:    The byte written to 'port'.  There is no error return.

      Notes:    The console I/O and port routines are not compatible with
                stream or low-level library routines and should not be
                used with them.

 Portability:   Applies to MS DOS only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statement writes a byte to the port that 'port' is
    assigned to.

           #include <conio.h>

           unsigned port;
           int val;

           port = 1;
           val = 6;

See Also: inp()

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