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 fputs()                 Write a String to Stream

 #include   <stdio.h>

 int        fputs(string,stream);
 char       *string;                     String to be output
 FILE       *stream;                     Pointer to FILE structure

    fputs() copies 'string' to the output 'stream' at the current
    position.  It does not copy the terminating null character ('\0').

    Returns:    If successful, a zero is returned; a non-zero value is
                returned on failure.

 Compatibility: MSC version 4.0 would return either EOF or the last
                character output, in the event of error; version 5.0 and
                later returns a non-zero value.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements open a file and write a string to it.

           #include <stdio.h>

           FILE *stream;

               if ((stream = fopen("book.dat","a+")) != NULL) {
                   fputs("End of Chapter 10\n", stream);

See Also: fgets() gets() puts()

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