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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! C/Database Toolchest Library - name: <b>idestroy_db</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
Name:       idestroy_db

Purpose:    permanently remove a database

Prototype:  int idestroy_db (char *db_name);

Header:     isam.h

Inputs:     db_name - name of database to remove

        idestroy_db removes the database named db_name (both the data
        file and its associated index file) from the file system.  The database
        is gone forever (unless you have a backup copy).  The db_name should
        include the drive and path specifier if the database is not on the
        current drive in the current directory.

        It is an error to try to idestroy_db a database that is open.

        OK or ERROR

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