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X-Hacker.org- M E W E L - <b>hmenu pascal loadpopupmenu(word hmodule, word idmenu, hwnd hparent)</b>
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HMENU pascal LoadPopupMenu(WORD hModule, WORD idMenu, HWND hParent)
This function loads the specified popup menu from a resource file
and attaches it to a window.
hModule is the handle of the open resource file. It should be NULL
if the resource file has been appended to the application's EXE file.
idMenu is the identifier of the menu.
hParent is the handle of the window which we will attach the popup to.
The handle of the popup menu if it was loaded successfully, and
NULLHWND if the popup was not loaded.
!seelaso: v31chang.ngo:"Load"
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