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int pascal SetScrollRange(HWND hBar, int nBar, int minpos, int maxpos, 
                           BOOL fRedraw)

  This function sets new minimum and maximum values of a scrollbar's
scrolling range. If the minimum and maximum values are equal, then
the scrollbar will be hidden. If they are set to unequal values, then
the scrollbar will be shown.

  hBar is the handle to the scrollbar.
  nBar indicates which scrollbar you want to operate on. If nBar is
   SB_CTL, then the hBar parameter contains the handle of the actual
   scrollbar you want to manipulate. If nBar is SB_HORZ, then you want
   to manipulate the horizontal scrollbar which belongs to window hBar.
   If nBar is SB_VERT, then you want to manipulate the vertical
   scrollbar which belongs to window hBar.
  minpos and maxpos are integer variables which represent the new
   minimum and maximum values for the scrolling range.
  fRedraw is TRUE if the scrollbar should be redrawn, FALSE if not.

  This function returns -1 if illegal values were passed for the
minimum and maximum positions. Otherwise, this function returns 0.

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