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X-Hacker.org- TASM 2.x / MASM 6.x Assembly Language - <b>0:474h last fixed disk operation status</b>
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0:474h Last Fixed Disk Operation Status
Length: 1 byte
Holds the status of the last fixed disk operation.
Value Last Fixed Disk Operation
00h No error
01h Invalid command
02h Address mark not found
03h Attempt to write on write-protected disk
04h Sector not found
05h Reset failed
07h Drive parameter activity failed
08h DMA overrun
09h Attempt to DMA across a 64K boundary
0Ah Bad sector flag detected
0Bh Bad cylinder found
0Dh Invalid number sectors on format
0Eh Control data address mark detected
0Fh DMA arbitration level out of range
10h ECC data error
11h ECC corrected data error
20h Controller failure
40h Seek failure
80h Time out
AAh Drive not ready
BBh Undefined error
CCh Write fault
E0h Status error
FFh Sense operation failed
Note: Use INT 13h, Service 01h, to obtain this
See Also: INT 13h, 01h
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