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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! TASM 2.x / MASM 6.x Assembly Language - <b>add addition flags: o d i t s z a p c</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
ADD              Addition                            Flags: O D I T S Z A P C
                                                            *       * * * * *
ADD destination,source

          Logic:    destination . destination + source

    ADD sums the operands and stores the result in destination. Both
    operands may be bytes or words, and both may be signed or unsigned
    binary numbers.

   Operands                  Clocks   Transfers  Bytes   Example
   register, register          3          -        2     ADD BX,CX
   accumulator, immediate      4          -       2-3    ADD AX,256
   register, immediate         4          -       3-4    ADD BL,4
   register, memory        9(13) + EA     1       2-4    ADD DI,[DX]
   memory, register       16(24) + EA     2       2-4    ADD TOTAL,BL
   memory, immediate      17(25) + EA     2       3-6    ADD RESULT,3

See Also: ADC INC AAA DAA EA Flags

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