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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Library for Clipper - <b>l_chidecur()</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]

Syntax:        L_CHIDECUR(<expN1>,<expN2>,<expN3>,<expN4>)

Purpose:       Defines an area in which the mouse cursor will be
               hidden as soon as it enters this area.

Arguments:     <expN1> is the upper horizontal left margin.

               <expN2> is the upper vertical top margin.

               <expN3> is the lower horizontal right margin.

               <expN4> is the lower vertical bottom margin.

Returns:       Nothing.

Usage:         This function is cumulative.  In other words if this
               function is called three times then three calls to
               L_SHOWCURS() must be made to make the mouse cursor
               visible again.

               Useful if the screen over which the mouse can move is
               about to be overwritten by a box containing information
               and the mouse cursor might obscure its contents.

Examples:      * Hide the cursor if it enters this area.
               left = 10
               top = 8
               right = 40
               bottom = 4
               L_CHIDECUR(left, top, right, bottom)

Language:      Assembler


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