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Syntax:        L_TOMONEY(<expN> [,<expC>])

Purpose:       To convert a currency amount (Dollars or Pounds) to its
               equivalent in English words.

Arguments:     <expN> is the currency value to convert.

               <expC> identifies the format of the returned character string:
                    "$" for American format
                    "." for British format.

Returns:       A character string.

               If the optional format argument is not specified,
               L_TOMONEY() will return the string in British format.

Usage:         L_TOMONEY() is useful any time a dollar or pound amount
               needs to be written out in full words. A common
               instance of this is when printing checks.

Examples:      ? L_TOMONEY(19.95)
               && Result: nineteen pounds and ninety five pence

               ? L_TOMONEY(19.05,".")
               && Result: nineteen pounds and five pence

               ? L_TOMONEY(19.21,"$")
               && Result: nineteen dollars and twenty one cents

               ? L_TOMONEY(1.01,"$")
               && Result: one dollar and one cent

               ? L_TOMONEY(1.01)
               && Result: one pound and one penny

Language:      Clipper

See Also: L_NUM2STR()

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