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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Library for Clipper - <b>l_rand()</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]

Syntax:        L_RAND(<expN>)

Purpose:       Generate a pseudo-random number.

Arguments:     <expN1> is the minimum value the function should return.
               <expN2> is the maximum value the function should return.
               <expN3> is the starting value (seed) from which the
               pseudo-random number will be generated.

               If <expN1> is 0 the seed becomes the number generated
               the last time the function was called.

               If <expN2> is positive, it resets the starting value
               to seed.

               If <expN3> is negative, it resets the starting value
               to default seed.

Returns:       A number between <expN1> and <expN2>.
               An error if <expN3>, seed, is greater than 25000.

Usage:         Called repeatedly to give a serias of pseudo-random

Examples:      * Generate random numbers
              ? L_RAND(1,10,12345)             && Result: 4.82
              ? L_RAND(1,10,0)                 && Result: 5.38
              ? L_RAND(1,10,0)                 && Result: 8.03
              ? L_RAND(1,10,0)                 && Result: 2.83
              ? L_RAND(1,10,-1)                && Result: 5.23

Language:      C

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