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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Library for Clipper - <b>l_getmstat()</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]

Syntax:        L_GETMSTAT()

Purpose:       To determine which of the mouse buttons are being

Arguments:     None.

Returns:       An integer value.

               0 = No buttons being pressed
               1 = Left button being pressed.
               2 = Right button being pressed.
               4 = Centre button being pressed (if 3 button mouse)

Usage:         If a 3 is returned it means that both left and right
               buttons are being pressed.

Examples:      * Determine the status of mouse buttons
               status = L_GETMSTAT()

               DO CASE
                    CASE status = 0
                         m_status = "None"

                    CASE status = 1
                         m_status = "Left"

                    CASE status = 2
                         m_status = "Right"

                    CASE status = 3
                         m_status = "Left & Right"

                    CASE status = 4
                         m_status = "Centre"

                    CASE status = 5
                         m_status = "Centre & Left"

                    CASE status = 6
                         m_status = "Centre & Right"

                    CASE status = 7
                         m_status = "Left, Centre & Right"

Language:      Assembler

See Also: L_ISMOUSE()

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