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X-Hacker.org- libc - <b>legal point</b>
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Legal Point
This file can be distributed freedomly under the following conditions:
1) It musn't be altered without its authors authorization (Salvador Eduardo
Tropea and the original author of the text).
Note: anonymous ftp sites OK, BBS only if they are free or you put it in a
free area.
2) Nobody can receive money by its distribution (only a minimal amount for
the media is allowed without my consent (floppy disk <= 5 U$S, CD <= U$S 35)).
(CD and Shareware Distributors make contact with Salvador Eduardo Tropea).
Under these conditions:
The only thing i ask for my work is, if it's possible, you share with me
your work or you help me to support this project.
WARNING: This file comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTEE. I can't even
guarantee that this file won't wipe out your entire hard drive (it's
happened to a few people before, but we've fixed it). USE AT YOUR OWN
RISK! It's always a good idea to make regular backups of your hard
drives anyway.
It's a DJ's (the author of DJGPP) choke, but this means: "I'm not responsible
for any direct or indirect problem originated by this file", OK? :)
See Also: Who made this file?
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