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SOS Help! $149.00
Version 1.25
Lamaura Development Limited
With one line of code, SOS Help! adds context-sensitive help to an
application. By linking in a library to any application, a person
creating the system documentation can use the F1 key to create a help
object. Text is typed in as the end user will see it and attributes
for the help window and shadow are completely customizable. Default
help text and a help object style may be defined. When complete, a
binary file containing all help information is generated.
Alternatively, source code may be generated. The application is then
re-linked with a smaller version of the library. SOS Help! provides
functions which allow context-sensitive help for such tough
situations as ACHOICE(), DBEDIT() and TBROWSE(). SOS Help! can be
learned in 5 minutes.
Available in English, UK-English.
Supports : Clipper Summer '87, Clipper 5.0
Shipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June, 1988
Units Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000
The source code for this product is not available.
Free demonstration copies are available.
Product Categories : . Development Utility
. Documentation
. Help Systems
. Screen Design Utility
See Also: Lamaura Development
Online resources provided by: http://www.X-Hacker.org --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson