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StarClass $149.00
Version 1.0
Loesgen Software
StarClass is a class library for Clipper 5.01 which provides Clipper
programmers with additional classes. These classes can be linked in
and used in the same way that TBrowse and other Nantucket-supplied
fixed classes are used. StarClass provides classes for handling user
interface requirements. It includes a full windowing system, multiple
enhanced TBrowses, background processing and much more.
Full source code is provided with the library, making it an excellent
learning tool for those who want to learn more about object-oriented
programming. For power users, it provides a solid base upon which to
build (inherit) other classes.
Available in English.
Supports : Clipper 5.0
Shipped . . . . . . . . . . . . October, 1991
Source code is available free of charge, or may be included.
Free demonstration copies are available.
Product Categories : . Education
. Object-Oriented Programming
. User-Interface
See Also: Loesgen Software
Online resources provided by: http://www.X-Hacker.org --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson