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Telepathy $219.95
Version 1.5
Extrasensory Software
Telepathy is the most versatile serial communications library for
Clipper today. It is the only library to support all the most popular
file transfer protocols: Kermit; X, Y, Y-G & Zmodem; and ASCII. A
powerful "notification" mechanism allows background communication,
easy status display updates, and direct use of serial devices like
bar code wands in place of the keyboard. User-defined functions hook
directly into file transfer protocols and terminal emulators (which
include TTY, PC ANSI, and the best VT102 emulation available for
Clipper). Telepathy now supports multiple port cards and comes with
an unmatched set of scripting primitives.
Available in English.
Supports : Clipper Summer '87, Clipper 5.0
Shipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June, 1989
Units Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
The source code for this product is not available.
Free demonstration copies are available.
Product Categories : . Communications
. Development Utility
See Also: Extrasensory Software
Online resources provided by: http://www.X-Hacker.org --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson