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   GX Effects                                                    $199.00
   Version 2.0
   Genus Microprogramming, Inc.

   Add spectacular special effects and animation to your programs,      
   without being trapped in an editor or slideshow program. Wipe, split,
   crush, slide, sand, drip, diagonal, spiral, random, or explode your  
   graphics. Includes new blind, weave, and tiling effects; animation   
   and sprites using transparent puts; and sound blaster voice file     
   support. Requires IBM PC/XT/AT PS/2 or 100% compatible; a            
   CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA/Hercules adapter & display or 100% compatible; and  
   DOS 2.1 or above.                                                    


   Available in English.

   Supports : Clipper Summer '87, Clipper 5.0

   Shipped . . . . . . . . . . . .  January, 1989

   The source code is available for $200.00.


   Product Categories : . Development Utility
                        . Screen Design Utility

See Also: Genus Microprogramming

Online resources provided by: --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson