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Quadbase-SQL/Win $595.00
Version 1.3
Quadbase Systems Inc.
Quadbase-SQL/Win is a SQL engine in the form of a dynamic link
library for Windows database developers using the dBASE file format
(supports Clipper .NTX index files). The product is used together
with Windows front-end development tools like Visual Basic, Quick C
for Windows, ObjectView, SQL Windows, ACTOR, Smalltalk, etc.
Available in English.
Supports : Clipper Summer '87, Clipper 5.0
Shipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . March, 1991
The source code for this product is not available.
Vendor charges a royalty for commercial use.
Free demonstration copies are available.
Product Categories : . Compile/Link
See Also: Quadbase Systems
Online resources provided by: http://www.X-Hacker.org --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson