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   Formcode/Gen                                                  $189.00
   Version 1.0
   Micronix Inc

   Formcode/Gen allows you to design high-quality forms/labels/badges,  
   etc. for the HP LaserJet family of printers in Microsoft Windows, and
   then generates Clipper Summer '87 code to print them filled with     
   data. Use fonts, bit map graphics, lines, boxes, tables, etc. to     
   draw. Runtime justification of memo fields. Gray shades/patterns.    
   Prints with amazing speed.                                           


   Available in English.

   Supports : Clipper Summer '87, Clipper 5.0

   Shipped . . . . . . . . . . . .  October, 1991

   Contact Vendor for source code availability.

   Demonstration copies available at $5.00/each.


   Product Categories : . Code Generator
                        . Printer Control
                        . Report Generator

See Also: Micronix

Online resources provided by: --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson