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Version 5.01
SPELCHEK is a library of functions that allows any Clipper program to
check spelling of words, memos, text files, or variables quickly and
easily. SPELCHEK allows any number of user-modifiable dictionaries,
and has a very low memory requirement of approximately 6K of RAM.
Sample application source code is included with SPELCHEK.
Available in English.
Supports : Clipper Summer '87, Clipper 5.0
Shipped . . . . . . . . . . . . January, 1989
Units Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
The source code for this product is not available.
Demonstration copies available at $10.00/each.
(cost applied toward purchase price)
Product Categories : . Special Purpose Library
. Text Processing
. User-Interface
Online resources provided by: http://www.X-Hacker.org --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson