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   PopMate Class Library                                          $49.95
   Version 1.0
   OBJECTive Software

   PopMate allows any color OK, N/Y, GET, INPUT, HORIZ or VERT CHOICE   
   pop-ups in as little as one line of code! Customize, relocate,       
   re-use, tile individual pop-ups with additional simplified lines.    
   PopMate standardizes your application's look and feel in a flash!    
   As part of the ClassMates family of products, it comes with Class(y) 
   runtime, plenty of sample programs and examples, in the Norton Guide,
   too. Just cut and paste into your program with the included Expert   
   Help engine!                                                         
   ClassMates are available with or without source code. Get the source 
   code if you want to learn how to write your own classes. The source  
   code provides an excellent learning tool and allows you to tailor the
   ClassMate to your specific needs. Use without the source direct from 
   the box!                                                             
   Tight, efficient code is used in each ClassMate, so they load fast   
   and run like lightning in Clipper 5.0. ClassMates are by the creators
   of Viewit, thecomplete browse tool for Clipper in an OOP class.      
   Each of the above products provide the Clipper 5.0 programmer with   
   easy to use tools (using today's object-oriented technology in a way 
   that makes it easy to learn and understand the concepts of OOP) for  
   specific purposes.                                                   
   OBJECTive Software products are developed to meet the new challenges 
   of the Clipper 5.0 objects.                                          


   Available in English, German.

   Supports : Clipper 5.0

   Shipped . . . . . . . . . . . . .  March, 1992

   The source code is available for $40.00.

   Free demonstration copies are available.


   Product Categories : . Education
                        . Object-Oriented Programming
                        . User-Interface

See Also: OBJECTive Software

Online resources provided by: --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson