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   dANALYST GOLD                                                  $99.95
   Version 6.0
   Buzzwords International, Inc.

   dANALYST Gold is a complete multi-user development environment for   
   the Clipper and C programmer, providing a bridge between Clipper 5.0 
   and C technologies. Standard features include complete source code   
   generation, creation of databases, source code analysis and          
   reformatting to user-defined standards. Produces files tree chart to 
   represent flow of your application. Creates modular and global cross 
   references of #define locations, variables and  functions. Contains a
   multi-user converter to produce network-ready code from single-user  
   code. The Applications Designer is used to create source screens for 
   complete applications, not just video I/O. Includes the SoftC DBMS   
   Lib for C access to Clipper files and Buzzwords' Pro Video Library.  
   Supports FairCom C-Tree, Novell Btrieve and XQL Manager, Raima       
   db_Vista and other engines. Menu Designer creates standard, bar,     
   pull-down, push-button, and push-button pull-down menus. Included is 
   PROFESSIONAL EDIT, a full-featured editor, and Screen Shooter to aid 
   in manual preparation. Search and replace menu-driven features scan  
   complete application for occurrences of various strings, like an     
   advanced grep. Supports both Clipper Summer '87 and Clipper 5.0, as  
   well as other X-Base languages, Paradox, and C/C++. Includes support 
   for Pinnacle Publishing's NetLib. Price $99.95 limited offer. Retail 
   price $495.                                                          


   Available in English, French, German.

   Supports : Clipper 5.0, Clipper Summer '87

   Shipped . . . . . . . . . . . . .  April, 1991
   Units Sold  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,000

   The source code for this product is not available.


   Product Categories : . Code Generator
                        . Development Utility
                        . Report Generator
                        . Screen Design Utility

See Also: Buzzwords International

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