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  | Mode | text  |char| graphic|colors  |disp|scrn| system                  |
  |      | resol |size| resoltn|        |page|addr|                         |
  |  14h |       |    | 640x400| 16     |    |    |Tecmar VGA/AD            |
  |  16h |       |    | 800x600| 16     |    |    |Tecmar VGA/AD            |
  |  17h |132x25 |    |        |        |    |    |Tecmar VGA/AD            |
  |  18h |       |    |1024x768| 16     |    |    |Tecmar VGA/AD            |
  |  1Ah |       |    | 640x350|256     |    |    |Tecmar VGA/AD            |
  |  1Bh |       |    | 640x400|256     |    |    |Tecmar VGA/AD            |
  |  1Ch |       |    | 640x480|256     |    |    |Tecmar VGA/AD            |
  |  1Dh |       |    | 800x600|256     |    |    |Tecmar VGA/AD            |
  |  40h | 80x43 |    |        |        |    |    |VEGA VGA, Tecmar VGA/AD  |

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