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Hard Drive Specifications
Avg Miscellaneous
Manufacturer MB Cyl Hds Access Information
Alloy ID-160 125 30
Atasi AT3020 635 3 Wedge servo
Atasi AT3033 635 5 Wedge servo
Atasi AT3046 635 7
Atasi AT3051 703 7
Atasi AT3085 1024 8
Bull D530 987 3
Bull D550 987 5
Bull D570 987 7
Bull D585 987 7
Bull D530 1166 3
CDC Wren I 9415-21 697 3 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CDC Wren I 9415-36 697 5 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CDC Wren II 9415-25 615 4 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CDC Wren II 9415-30 989 3 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CDC Wren II 9415-38 733 5 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CDC Wren II 9415-48 925 5 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CDC Wren II 9415-51 42 989 5 28 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CDC Wren II 9415-67 925 7 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CDC Wren II 9415-86 69 925 9 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CDC Wren II 9416-182 144 969 9 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CDC Wren V 380 15 16 ESDI/SCSI, FH
CDC Wren V 702 15 16 ESDI/SCSI, FH
CDC Wren VI 766 15 16.5 ESDI/SCSI, FH
CDC Wren VII 1.2G 15 16.5 SCSI, FH
CMI CM3426 612 4
CMI CM5205 256 4
CMI CM5410 256 4
CMI CM5616 256 4
CMI CM6426 615 4
CMI CM6426S 640 4
CMI CM6640 640 4
CMS F40-K 42 1024 5 22 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CMS F60-K 42 1024 7 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CMS F70-K 42 1024 8 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
CMS F80-K 42 1024 9 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Columbia SCSI 42 834 3 19 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper
Core AT40F 40 564 4 10 ESDI, MFM, Voice coil
Core AT43 43 988 5 20 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Core HC150 150 1024+ 18 ESDI
Emerald DOS 150-3000 150 1024+ ESDI
Emulex ATS-170 142 1022 SCSI & ESDI
Emulex ATS-380 310 1222 SCSI & ESDI
FlashCard 49 49 615 6 28 STnn, RLL, Voice coil
Fuji 302-13 10 612 2
Fuji 302-26 20 612 4
Fujitsu M2230AS 320 2
Fujitsu M2233AS 10 320 4
Fujitsu M2234AS 320 6
Fujitsu M2235AS 21 320 8 56
Fujitsu M2241AS 754 4
Fujitsu M2242AS 43 754 7 33 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Fujitsu M2243AS 72 754 11 33 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Fujitsu M2263 778u 14 16 ESDI/SCSI, FH
Hitachi DK511-5 699 7
Hitachi DK511-8 823 10
Hitachi DK515C-78 780u 8 16 SCSI, FH
Hitachi DK515-78 780u 8 16 ESDI, FH
IMI 5006H 306 2
IMI 5012H 306 4
IMI 5018H 306 6
Imprimis (see CDC)
Irwin 416 819 2
Irwin 510 628 2 HD/tape
Irwin 516 819 2 HD/tape
Irwin 561 180 4
Kalok KL320 26u 615 4 40 STnn, MFM, Band stepper
Kalok KL330 38u 615 4 40 STnn, RLL, Band stepper
Maxtor XT1065 52 918 7 28 STnn, Voice coil
Maxtor XT1085 68 1024 8 28 STnn, Voice coil
Maxtor XT1105 83 918 11 28 STnn, Voice coil
Maxtor XT1140 112 918 15 28 STnn, Voice coil
Maxtor XT1190 150 1224 28 STnn, Voice coil
Maxtor XT2085 1224 7 28 STnn, Voice coil
Maxtor XT2140 1224 11 STnn, Voice coil
Maxtor XT2190 160 1224 15 STnn, Voice coil
Maxtor XT4170E 179u 1224 7 14 ESDI, MFM, FH Voice coil
Maxtor XT4230E 231u 1224 9 16 ESDI, MFM, FH Voice coil
Maxtor XT4380E 384u 1224 15 16 ESDI, MFM, FH Voice coil
Maxtor XT4380S 384u 1224 16 SCSI, MFM, FH Voice coil
Maxtor XT8380E 410u 14.5 ESDI, FH
Maxtor XT8380S 410u 14.5 SCSI, FH
Maxtor XT8760E 768u 16.5 ESDI, FH
Maxtor XT8760S 768u 16.5 SCSI, FH
Micropolis 1302 830 3
Micropolis 1303 830 5
Micropolis 1304 830 6
Micropolis 1323 1024 4
Micropolis 1323A 1024 5
Micropolis 1324 1024 6
Micropolis 1324A 1024 7
Micropolis 1325 1024 8
Micropolis 1333A 44 1024 5 28 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Micropolis 1335 71 1024 8 30
Micropolis 1355 142 1022
Micropolis 1518 1.2Gu 15 14 ESDI, FH
Micropolis 1558 382u 15 18 ESDI, FH
Micropolis 1568 765u 15 16 ESDI, FH
Micropolis 1578 382u 15 18 SCSI, FH
Micropolis 1588 765u 15 16 SCSI, FH
Micropolis 1598 1.2Gu 15 14 SCSI, FH
Microscience HH312 10 306 4
Microscience HH325 20 612 4
Microscience HH612 10 306 4
Microscience HH725 21 612 4 Band stepper
Microscience HH1050 44 1024 5 28 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Miniscribe 1006 306 2
Miniscribe 1012 306 4
Miniscribe 2006 306 2
Miniscribe 3012 10 612 4
Miniscribe 3053 44 1024 6 25 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Miniscribe 3212 10 612 4
Miniscribe 3412 306 4
Miniscribe 3425 20 615 4
Miniscribe 3438 31.2 615 4
Miniscribe 3650 50u 809 6 61 STnn, MFM, linear drive
Miniscribe 3650F 50u 809 6 46 STnn, MFM, linear drive
Miniscribe 3675 75u 809 6 61 STnn, MFM, linear drive
Miniscribe 4010 480 2
Miniscribe 4020 480 4
Miniscribe 6032 26 1024 3
Miniscribe 6053 43 1024 5 28 STnn, MFM, FH Voice coil
Miniscribe 6085 71 1024 8
Miniscribe 6128 104 1024 8
Miniscribe 8051A 51u 745 4 28 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Miniscribe 8212 615 2
Miniscribe 8425 20 615 4 STnn, MFM, 3.
Miniscribe 8438 31.2 615 4
Miniscribe 9380E 382u 1224 15 16 ESDI, RLL, FH Voice coil
Miniscribe 9380S 382u 1224 15 16 SCSI, RLL, FH Voice coil
Miniscribe 9780E 781u 15 17 ESDI, FH Voice coil
Mitsubisi MR535 42 981 6 STnn, MFM, 5. Voice coil
NEC D5662 385u 18 ESDI, FH
NEC D5682 765u 18 16 ESDI, FH
NEC D5862 385u 18 SCSI, FH
NEC D5882 765u 18 16 SCSI, FH
NEC 5124 310 4
NEC 5126 612 4
NEC 5146 615 8
Newberry Penny 340 615 8
Northgate Turbo 42 809 6 36 STnn, RLL, Voice coil
Plus Hardcard 40 42 612 4 40 STnn, RLL, Voice coil
Priam ID45ATD2 42 1166 5 20 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Priam ID130 130 1224 STnn
Priam ID40 987 5
Priam ID60 987 7
Priam V130 987 3 STnn
Priam V185 1166 7
Priam 638 382u 15 18 ESDI, 5.
Priam 676 765u 15 14 ESDI, 5.
Priam 738 382u 15 18 SCSI, 5.
Priam 776 765u 15 14 SCSI, 5.
Quadram Q520 512 4
Quadram Q530 512 6
Quadram Q540 512 8
Rodime RO101 192 2
Rodime RO102 192 4
Rodime RO103 192 6
Rodime RO104 192 8
Rodime RO201 320 2
Rodime RO202 320 4
Rodime RO203 320 6
Rodime RO204 320 8
Rodime RO201E 640 2
Rodime RO202E 640 4
Rodime RO203E 33 640 6
Rodime RO204E 640 8
Rodime RO252 10 306 4
Rodime RO352 10 306 4
Rodime RO3055 45 872 7 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
RMS 503 153 2
RMS 506 153 4
RMS 512 153 8
Seagate ST125 21 615 4 28 STnn, MFM, Band stepper
Seagate ST125N 22 407 4 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper
Seagate ST138 32 615 6 28 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
Seagate ST138N 31 615 4 28 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper
Seagate ST138R 33 615 4 28 STnn, RLL, Band stepper
Seagate ST151 43 977 5 STnn, MFM, Voice Coil
Seagate ST157A 49 560 6 28 IDE, 3.
Seagate ST157N 49 615 6 28 SCSI, 3. RLL, Band stepper
Seagate ST157R 49 615 6 28 STnn, 3. RLL, Voice Coil
Seagate ST177N 61 921 5 SCSI, RLL, Voice Coil
Seagate ST206 306 2 STnn, MFM, Band stepper
Seagate ST213 11 615 2 STnn, MFM, Band stepper
Seagate ST225 21 615 4 65 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST225N 21 615 4 65 SCSI, MFM, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST225R 21 667 2 STnn, RLL, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST238R 31 615 4 65 STnn, RLL, Band Stepper
Seagate ST250R 42 667 4 STnn, RLL, Band stepper
Seagate ST251 42 820 6 40 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST251-1 43 820 6 28 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST251N0 43 820 4 40 SCSI, RLL, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST251N1 43 630 4 SCSI, RLL, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST251R 43 820 6 40 STnn, RLL, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST277 66 820 6 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST277N0 65 820 6 40 SCSI, RLL, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST277N1 65 628 6 SCSI, RLL, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST277R 65 820 6 40 STnn, RLL, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST280A 72 29 IDE, 5.
Seagate ST296N 85 820 6 28 SCSI, RLL, 5. Band stepper
Seagate ST406 5 306 2 STnn, MFM, Band stepper
Seagate ST412 10 306 4 STnn, MFM, FH Band stepper
Seagate ST419 15 306 6 STnn, MFM, Band stepper
Seagate ST425 20 306 8 STnn, MFM, Band stepper
Seagate ST506 5 153 4 STnn, MFM, FH Band stepper
Seagate ST1096N 84 906 7 SCSI, RLL, Voice coil
Seagate ST1102A 89 29 IDE, 3.
Seagate ST1144 125 19 IDE, 3.
Seagate ST1239 211 15 IDE, 3.
Seagate ST4026 21 615 4 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Seagate ST4038 32 733 5 40 STnn, MFM, FH Voice coil
Seagate ST4051 43 977 5 40 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Seagate ST4053 44 1024 5 28 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Seagate ST4077R 65 1024 5 28 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Seagate ST4096 80 1024 9 28 STnn, MFM, FH Voice coil
Seagate ST4144R 122 1024 9 28 STnn, RLL, FH Voice coil
Shugart SA 604 160 4
Shugart SA 606 160 6
Shugart SA 612 306 4
Shugart SA 712 320 4
SPC Scorecard 44 44 753 7 STnn, MFM, Voice coil
Syquest SQ306RD 306 2
Syquest SQ312RD 615 2
Syquest SQ325F 612 4
Syquest SQ338F 612 6
Tandon TM252 10 306 4
Tandon TM262 20 615 4
Tandon TAN501 306 2
Tandon TAN502 306 4
Tandon TAN503 306 6
Tandon TM602S 153 4
Tandon TM603S 153 6
Tandon TM603SE 230 6
Tandon TM702AT 615 4
Tandon TM703 695 5
Tandon TM703AT 733 5
Tandon TM755 981 5
Tandy SCSI 80 823 6 28 SCSI, RLL, Band stepper
Toshiba MK53F 830 5
Toshiba MK54F 49 830 7 25 STnn, MFM, 3. Voice coil
Toshiba MK56F 72 830 10 25
Toshiba MK134FA 733 7 25 STnn
Toshiba MK358FA 765u 15 16 ESDI, FH
Toshiba MK358FB 765u 15 16 SCSI, FH
Tulin 226 640 4
Tulin 240 640 6
Tulin 326 20 640 4
Tulin 340 30 640 6
WD93024A 21.6 28 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
WD93024X 21.6 39 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
WD93028A 21.6 69 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
WD93028X 21.6 70 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
WD93034X 32.4 39 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
WD93038X 32.4 70 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
WD93044A 43.2 28 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
WD93044X 43.2 39 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
WD93048A 43.2 69 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
WD93048X 43.2 70 STnn, MFM, 3. Band stepper
WD95024A 20 28 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
WD95028AD 20 69 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
WD95028X 20 70 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
WD95038X 30 70 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
WD95044A 40 28 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
WD95048AD 40 69 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
WD95048X 40 70 STnn, MFM, 5. Band stepper
WDAC140 42.5 19 STnn, MFM, 3. Voice coil
WDAC280 85.1 19 STnn, MFM, 3. Voice coil
WDSC320 320 SCSI, 3.
WDSC8320 320 SCSI, 3.
- STnn indicates Seagate ST412/ST506 compatible
- 3. indicates 3.5 inch half height drive
- 5. indicates 5.25 inch half height drive
- FH indicates Full Height 5.25 inch drive
- 'u' in filesize indicates unformatted spec
- formatted capacity is related to BIOS and may vary with different
BIOS and OEM versions
- read/write heads should normally never touch hard disk media
- standard AT hard disk controllers do not use DMA for disk I/O due
to the slow speed of the 8 Bit DMA chips used; Port I/O is used
instead for an actual increase in performance
- with some XT and ESDI systems it is necessary to use debug to
execute the ROM disk format code; The usual method is to set
AH=Drive, AL=Interleave and jump to the code at C800:5 via the
G =C800:5 command (some systems locate this code at C600:5, CA00:5
and CC00:5)
- DOS version and disk size determine cluster size; DOS 2.x always
has cluster size of 8K, while DOS 3.x+ has variable cluster sizes:
2 - 16 Mb partitions have a cluster size of 8K
16 - 128 Mb partitions have a cluster size of 2K
128 - 256 Mb partitions have a cluster size of 4K
256 - 512 Mb partitions have a cluster size of 8K
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