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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Harbour Version 0.37 (c) reference Guid - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 COPY FILE            Copies a file.
 COPY STRUCTURE       Create a new database based on current database structure
 COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED Copy current database structure into a definition file
 CREATE               Create empty structure extended file
 CREATE FROM          Create new database file from a structure extended file
 DELETE FILE          Remove a file from disk
 DIR                  Display listings of files
 EJECT                Issue an command to advance the printer to the top of the form
 ERASE                Remove a file from disk
 @...Get              Creates a GET object and displays it to the screen
 KEYBOARD             Stuffs the keyboard with a string.
 LABEL FORM           Displays labels to the screen or an alternate device
 MENU TO              Invoked a menu defined by set of @...PROMPT
 PACK                 Remove records marked for deletion from a database
 @...PROMPT           Display a menu item on screen and define a message
 RENAME               Changes the name of a specified file
 REPORT FORM          Display a report
 RESTORE SCREEN       Restore screen image and coordinate from an internal buffer
 RUN                  Run an external program.
 SAVE SCREEN          Save whole screen image and coordinate to an internal buffer
 @...SAY              Displays data to specified coordinates of the current device.
 SET ALTERNATE        Toggle and echos output to an alternate file
 SET BELL             Toggle the bell to sound once a GET has been completed.
 SET CENTURY          Toggle the century digits in all dates display
 SET CONSOLE          Toggle the console display
 SET DATE             Assings a date format or chooses a predefined date data set.
 SET DECIMALS         Toggle the console display
 SET DEFAULT          Establishes the Harbour search drive and directory.
 SET DEVICE           Directs all @...SAY output to a device.
 SET EPOCH            Specifie a base year for interpreting dates
 SET FIXED            Set the number of decimal position to be displayed
 SET FUNCTION         Assign a character string to a function key
 SET INTENSITY        Toggles the enhaced display of PROMPT's and GETs.
 SET KEY              Assign an action block to a key
 SET MESSAGE          Extablishes a message row for @...PROMPT command
 SET PATH             Specifies a search path for opening files
 SET PRINTER          Toggles the printer and controls the printer device
 SET WRAP             Toggle wrapping the PROMPTs in a menu.
 TYPE                 Show the content of a file on the console, printer or file
 ZAP                  Remove all records from the current database file

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