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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! GT_LIB v1.0 Reference Guide Release 1.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 GT_DBSTRUCT()    Create an array containing the struct of a DBF file.
 GT_ERNAM()       Show a DOS error message
 GT_FATTRIB()     Set the attributes of a file.
 GT_FGETLR()      File GET Logical Record.
 GT_FLOCATE()     Find a string in a low level file.
 GT_FLOCK()       Lock a region of a low level file.
 GT_FSIZE()       Return the size in bytes of a low level file.
 GT_FTELL()       Return the location of the file pointer in a low level file.
 GT_FUNLOCK()     Unlock a region of a low level file.
 GT_HEADER()      Get the header size of a DBF file.
 GT_ISDBF()       Check that a file is a DBF file.
 GT_LASTREC()     Get the count of records in a DBF file.
 GT_LUPDATE()     Get the date of a DBF last change.
 GT_MEMREST()     To Restore variables from a .mem file
 GT_MEMSAVE()     To save variables to a .mem file
 GT_PAGEFHEADER() Outputs a page header to a text file
 GT_PRINTFILE()   Output text to a file
 GT_SAMEFROW()    Output text to file on current row
 GT_SHOWFERROR()  Show which file error occured

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