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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! GT_LIB v1.0 Reference Guide Release 1.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 GT_ARGC()        Returns the number of parameters on the command line
 GT_ARGV()        Returns a command line parameter
 GT_BREAK()       Set/Get the DOS break flag.
 GT_ENVCOUNT()    Returns the number of environment entries
 GT_ENVIRON()     Returns a command line parameter
 GT_EXENAME()     Return the name of the .EXE.
 GT_ISDESQ()      Check if application is running under DesqView
 GT_POPCUR()      Pop cursor state from the stack.
 GT_PSPSEG()      Get the location of the program's PSP.
 GT_PUSHCUR()     Place cursor state on the stack, optionaly change state
 GT_REMOTE()      Check if a drive as a remote drive.
 GT_VERIFY()      Set/Get the DOS verify flag.
 GT_WINDMODE()    Check if application is running in a windows dos box.

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