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     This is an enhancement of the existing aka matching logic, which in
     some circumstances fails to find the correct aka.

     Example: Lets  say that  zone 21,  22 and  23 are  part of the same
     network, and that you have an aka in zone 22. You would put

         ADDRESS 2:236/77
         AKA     22:33/44

     In this  case, if  a mail  comes in  from zone  23, the  normal aka
     matching logic  would fail,  because it  does not  try to guess the
     correct zone. To the rescue comes the new keyword. Now you can  add
     this to your setup:

         AKAMATCH 21:*/*.* 22:33/44
         AKAMATCH 23:*/*.* 22:33/44

     It tells GoldED that any mail from zone 21 or 23 matches your  zone
     22 aka. Note the use of wildcards here. Wildcards are not  strictly
     necessary, you could also have just written "23:" or "23:*".

     When an address does not match any AKAMATCH definition, the  normal
     aka matching logic takes over.

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