Retro video games delivered to your door every month!
Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Reference Manual for GoldED 2.51 - Norton Guide [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]

                         What YOU get when you register!

     *  Reminders disappear.
        The random pause at the  startup goes away. The original  screen
        will  appear  when  you  exit  GoldED  instead  of the shareware
        reminder. Your name  and key serial  number is displayed  in the
        startup screen.

     *  The Plus!
        A plus  ('+') is  added to  the version  number in  the tearline
        and/or your serial number is added in the PID kludge.

     *  No "UNREG" watermark.
        The UNREG watermark on the tearline and in the PID will go away.

     *  Happy author.
        You help  and encourage  the author  to continue  development on
        this user-supported  program. Without support from users such as
        YOU, GoldED would not exist today.

     *  License to use it.
        You are allowed to use GoldED for more than 30 days.

Online resources provided by: --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson