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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Reference Manual for GoldED 2.51 - Norton Guide [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
                             Userfile Considerations

     GoldED will by default always  use the first entry in  the userfile
     and the first lastread in the lastread file(s).

     In older versions GoldED would  seek through the userfile for  your
     name and use the lastread  pointers that corresponded to the  index
     of the  userfile entry.  This would  normally work,  but under some
     circumstances, GoldED might  fail to find  your name and  therefore
     add you  to the  userfile. This  could cause  lastreads to suddenly
     appear to be reset to the first or last message in all areas.

     The solution of  always using the  first lastread is  effective for
     single-user setups, but  for users sharing  the same msgbase  using
     GoldED, each user MUST setup different user numbers if they want to
     keep their lastread pointers  separate. These keywords are  used to
     set the lastread pointer user number:

      EZYCOMUSERNO <number>
      FIDOUSERNO <number>
      GOLDBASEUSERNO <number>
      HUDSONUSERNO <number>
      PCBOARDUSERNO <number>
      SQUISHUSERNO <number>
      WILDCATUSERNO <number>

     There is no JAMUSERNO, because the JAM format is cleverly  designed
     to be independent of userfiles.

     The <number> defaults to 0 (zero). Set it to 1, 2, 3 etc. for  each
     additional  user  that  shares  the  same  msgbase  using   GoldED.
     Alternatively,  set  <number>  to  -1  (minus one), which will tell
     GoldED to return  to the old  method of searching  the userfiles to
     get the lastread indexes.

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