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                           Internal editor commands

        EDITabort               Abort editing this message - ask first.
        EDITanchor              Set a block "anchor" on the current line.
        EDITaskexit             Exit from GoldED - ask first.
        EDITcleardeletebuf      Clears the undelete buffer.
        EDITclearpastebuf       Clears the cut'n'paste buffer.
        EDITcut                 Cut the block to the cut'n'paste buffer.
        EDITdelchar             Delete the char at the cursor position.
        EDITdeleteeol           Delete from cursor position to end of line.
        EDITdelleft             Delete the char to the left of the cursor.
        EDITdelline             Delete the current line. (Copied to the
        EDITdelltword           Delete the word to the left of the cursor.
        EDITdelrtword           Delete the word to the right of the cursor.
        EDITdosshell            Shell to DOS.
        EDITdupline             Duplicates the current line.
        EDITexitmsg             Drop this message - NO ASKING! DANGEROUS!
        EDITexporttext          Exports the current block to a file.
        EDITgobegline           Move cursor to beginning of line.
        EDITgobotline           Move cursor to the bottom line in the display.
        EDITgobotmsg            Move cursor to the last line in the message.
        EDITgodown              Move cursor down to next line.
        EDITgoeol               Move cursor to the end of the line.
        EDITgoleft              Move cursor one position left.
        EDITgopgdn              Move cursor one page of lines down.
        EDITgopgup              Move cursor one page of lines up.
        EDITgoright             Move cursor one position right.
        EDITgotopline           Move cursor to the top line in the display.
        EDITgotopmsg            Move cursor to the first line in the message.
        EDITgoup                Move cursor up to the previous line.
        EDITgowordleft          Move cursor to the previous word.
        EDITgowordright         Move cursor to the next word.
        EDITheader              Edit the message header, attributes etc.
        EDITimportquotebuf      Imports the current quote buffer.
        EDITimporttext          Import text file into this message.
        EDITloadfile            Load the message file saved with EDITsavefile.
        EDITlookupcursor        Lookup name/node at cursor position.
        EDITlookupdest          Lookup TO: node.
        EDITlookuporig          Lookup FROM: node.
        EDITnewline             Terminate paragraph and/or add a new line.
        EDITpaste               Paste a previously cut block at the cursor.
        EDITquitnow             Quit GoldED immediately - no asking.
        EDITreflow              Reflows the current text or quote paragraph.
        EDITsavefile            Saves the current message as a file.
        EDITsavemsg             Save this message.
        EDITspellcheck          Calls an external spell checker for the msg.
        EDITtab                 Add spaces to the next tab-stop.
        EDITtogglecase          Toggle the case of the cursor character.
        EDITtoggleinsert        Toggle insert mode.
        EDITtolower             Change the cursor character to lowercase.
        EDITtoupper             Change the cursor character to uppercase.
        EDITundelete            Undelete previously deleted lines.
        EDITzapquotebelow       Deletes quotes below.

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