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     This keyword controls the circumstances that will present you  with
     the header editor first of all.

         New       When entering a new message.
         Changes   When changing a message
         Replies   When making a reply.
         Forwards  When forwarding a message.
         Yes       Always (all of the above).
         No        Never.

     The New, Changes, Replies and Forwards values can be combined.  YES
     is equivalent to enabling all four of these.

     For example, we want  to edit the header  only when entering a  new
     message or when changing a message:

           EDITHEADERFIRST New, Changes

     If the circumstances  match the setup  of this keyword,  the header
     edit  will  be  bypassed  and  you  will  start  directly  in   the
     EDITMENU (if enabled) or in the internal or external editor. A  new
     menu item has been added in the EDITSAVEMENU, "Edit Header",  which
     allows you to edit the header after you have written your  message,
     but before it is finally saved.

     If  you  set  EDITHEADERFIRST  to  NO,  you  must  either  have the
     EDITSAVEMENU enabled, or use the internal editor, because otherwise
     it is not possible to edit the header at all.

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