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        When using the findfirst(), findnext(), fsetattr() and fgettatr()
        functions, you are allowed to specify a file attribute. The
        following attributes are allowed:

            valid attributes are:

                 Bit  - Decimal -    When On

                 0    -    0    -    normal file
                 0    -    1    -    read only
                 1    -    2    -    hidden file
                 2    -    4    -    system file
                 3    -    8    -    volume label
                 4    -    16   -    subdirectories
                 5    -    32   -    archive bit

        Each number corresponds to a bit in the file attribute. Use the
        test() function to test if the bit you are interested in is
        set on or not.

See Also: findfirst() findnext() fsetattr() fgetattr()

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