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Editing menus:      To edit  a menu selection, press CTRL/E.
                    You will  be required to select the menu
                    item you  want to  edit. To  select  the
                    menu  item,  press  the  number  or  the
                    function key  that  corresponds  to  the
                    menu selection  you want.  You may  also
                    use the  up/down arrow  keys to move the
                    highlight onto  the selection  you  want
                    and press  return. If  you want  to edit
                    item #10,  you can use the 0 key, or the
                    F10 key  to access  it as well. Once you
                    have made  your selection, you will have
                    access  to   all  items   of  that  menu
                    selection and all editing functions work
                    identically   as    in    adding    menu

Online resources provided by: --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson