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Add an item:        To  add  a  new  menu  selection,  press
                    CTRL/A. You  will be  prompted for input
                    on the  bottom line  of the  screen. The
                    first  prompt  is  whether  or  not  you
                    really want  to add  a new menu item. If
                    you do,  just answer  'Y'. any other key
                    returns to normal menu operation. If you
                    entered 'Y',  the following prompts will
                    be displayed one at a time:

                         Enter menu item:
                         Enter description:
                         Enter password for this item:
                         Enter DOS command #1:
                         Enter menu this item branches to:

Editing keys:       You will  be positioned in a highlighted
                    area next  to  the  first  prompt.  This
                    first prompt  is the  line that  will be
                    displayed on  the menu.  You  may  enter
                    data within  the highlighted  area,  and
                    the following  keys will  assist you  in

                    CSR/UP    -    Goto previous field
                    CSR/DOWN  -    Goto next field
                    HOME      -    Goto beginning of field
                    END       -    Goto end of line/field
                    CTRL/---> -    Goto next word
                    CTRL/<--- -    Goto previous word
                    CTRL/F    -    Goto Next word
                    CTRL/A    -    Goto Previous word
                    CTRL/T    -    Delete word to the right
                    BACKSPACE -    Delete character to left of cursor
                    DELETE    -    Delete character under cursor
                    INSERT    -    Insert characters at current location
                    CTRL/Y    -    Erase all characters starting at current
                                   cursor location to the end of the field
                    CTRL/U    -    Undo any editing, restores field.
                    ESC       -    abort any changes (any changes made will
                                   be in effect until the menu is reloaded)
                    CTRL/END  -    Writes all changes to disk
                    RETURN    -    Passes to the next field. If you press
                                   enter while in a blank DOS command
                                   field, or the LAST DOS command field,
                                   then all changes will be written to
                                   disk. Pressing enter in the MENU name
                                   field will save changes to disk.

Fields:             The first field is the text that will be
                    displayed as a menu selection. Enter the
                    name  of   the  program,   or  type   of
                    operation to  be performed  if the  user
                    selects this  item and  press return  or
                    down arrow.  If you  do  not  enter  any
                    text,  you   will  not   be  allowed  to
                    continue to the next field

Description:        The next item is the description of what
                    this menu  selection does.  The text you
                    enter here  will  be  displayed  at  the
                    bottom  of   the  screen   whenever  the
                    highlighted bar  is scrolled  onto  this
                    menu selection. It is intended to assist
                    the   user   in   making   any   choices
                    necessary, and  is not  mandatory.  When
                    you have entered your description, press
                    return or down arrow.

Password:           Now you  are in  the password  field. If
                    you  want  this  menu  selection  to  be
                    operated  by  only  selected  personnel,
                    then you  may enter  a password.  If the
                    user selects  this menu  item, then  the
                    user will be prompted for a password. If
                    the password he/she gives does not match
                    the password  you enter  here, then they
                    will not  be allowed  to run  that  menu
                    selection. A  password is not necessary.
                    To go  on to the next item, press return
                    or down arrow.

Dos commands:       Now you  are in  the DOS commands field.
                    DOS commands are any normal DOS commands
                    that can be run from the DOS prompt. The
                    default number  of DOS  commands you may
                    enter is  15.  Enter  the  DOS  commands
                    exactly as  you would  put them  into  a
                    batch file. dMENU will cycle through all
                    15 DOS commands, executing them one at a
                    time. You will not be allowed to enter a
                    blank DOS  command. Pressing  enter on a
                    blank DOS  command field  will cause all
                    entries to  be saved  to disk,  and  you
                    will  be   returned   to   normal   menu
                    operation. If  you erase  a DOS command,
                    and you  still have  DOS commands  after
                    it, you  will not be allowed to pass the
                    blank DOS  command field to access them.
                    To bypass  this,  just  enter  something
                    into the field so you may continue on to
                    the DOS  commands that  follow. Pressing
                    enter on  a blank DOS command field will
                    save all additions to disk, and you will
                    return to  normal menu  operation.  Your
                    new menu  selection will  be  displayed.
                    And you  can  run  it  by  pressing  the
                    number, or function key that corresponds
                    to that  selection, or  you  can  scroll
                    onto  the  selection  with  the  up/down
                    arrow keys and press return.

Batch files:        If you  branch to  another  batch  file,
                    then you must make sure that you include
                    the proper  commands to  return to dMENU
                    after your  batch  file  has  completed.
                    This is  necessary because dMENU creates
                    a batch file containing the DOS commands
                    you entered.  When you  select  an  item
                    from the menu, dMENU actually returns to
                    DOS and  the batch  file that it created
                    is run.  If you  branch from  one  batch
                    file to another, then the new batch file
                    has control.  Since the  new batch  file
                    has no  commands to return to dMENU, you
                    will return  to DOS  after  it  finishes
                    executing. To  correct  this,  You  must
                    enter the correct commands to the end of
                    your  batch   file  so   that  execution
                    returns to  dMENU. This  is really quite
                    simple. Just  add the following commands
                    to the end of the batch file you want to
                    run from dMENU:

                         CD \menu

                    Notice  that   drive  C:\menu   is   the
                    example. If  you have  placed dMENU  and
                    RUNMENU  on   a   different   drive   or
                    directory, then  substitute their  names
                    for C:  and  \menu.  This  is  the  same
                    location   specified    by    the    set
                    MENU=d:[PATH] environment variable. This
                    will ensure that dMENU is run after your
                    batch file  has finished  executing.  If
                    you are  using DOS  3.30, you can branch
                    to another  batch file by using the CALL
                    batch command. If you CALL another batch
                    file,  then   the  calling   batch  file
                    regains control  after the  called batch
                    file finishes  executing so  there is no
                    need to  enter the commands to return to
                    dMENU. This  is valid  only for DOS 3.30
                    or greater.

Online resources provided by: --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson