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Setup:              To  set  up  dMENU  on  your  hard  disk
                    requires that  you create a subdirectory
                    to keep  your menu  files, and the dMENU
                    program itself. Usually, you will create
                    a subdirectory  called MENU  but you can
                    name it anything you like. Once you have
                    decided where  the files are to be kept,
                    you must  tell dMENU by means of setting
                    an ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE. dMENU will look
                    for   this   environment   variable   on
                    startup, and  if it  is found dMENU will
                    access  and   write  all  menus  to  the
                    specified directory.  If no  environment
                    variable  called  menu  is  found,  then
                    dMENU assumes you want to keep all files
                    in the  root directory.  The format  for
                    the environment  variable is as follows,
                    at the  DOS prompt  type (or put in your
                    autoexec.bat file):

                         set MENU=d:[\PATH]

                    where d:  is the drive to keep the menus
                    on (usually  C:),  and  [\PATH]  is  the
                    subdirectory name (or path) to keep them
                    in. If  you wish  to keep the menu files
                    in the  ROOT directory,  just  give  the
                    name of  the drive you want to keep them
                    on  followed  by  a  colon,  dMENU  will
                    append a  backslash automatically. If no
                    set MENU  command is  given, dMENU  will
                    assume you  want to  keep all  your menu
                    files in the root directory of the drive
                    it was started on. To setup dMENU in the
                    subdirectory  called  C:\MENU,  all  you
                    need to do is include the following line
                    in your autoexec.bat file:

                         set MENU=C:\MENU

                    for the root directory on drive E: you
                    could type:

                         set MENU=E:

                    Make sure  there are  no  spaces  either
                    before the equal sign, or after.
                    Once you  have  entered  the  set  MENU=
                    command,  you  might  as  well  add  the
                    commands necessary  to start  dMENU. All
                    you need to do is add the commands:

                         CD \MENU

                    to the  end of the autoexec.bat file and
                    dMENU will  automatically run  when  you
                    turn on your machine. Now, before we are
                    done, you  must copy the files dMENU.EXE
                    and RUNMENU.BAT  to the subdirectory you
                    want to  keep  your  menus  in  (in  the
                    example C:\menu.  If you  want to put it
                    somewhere else,  you  must  update  your
                    autoexec.bat file to correspond to where
                    dMENU will  be run  from). When you have
                    finished    copying     dMENU.EXE    and
                    RUNMENU.BAT to the proper directory, you
                    must re-boot your machine.

                    When you  re-boot your machine, the file
                    autoexec.bat will be executed, and dMENU
                    will be  run. On  startup, dMENU  checks
                    the MENU  environment variable  for  the
                    location of  it's menu  files  and  then
                    attempts to load in the menu file called
                    MAIN.MNU. if  the main  menu file is not
                    found, then  an empty  menu is  created,
                    and you are displayed a blank page.

                    CAUTION: Always  start dMENU  by running
                    the RUNMENU  batch file.  If  you  start
                    dMENU by typing dMENU at the DOS prompt,
                    then your  applications will  not be run
                    from the  menu. Instead you will exit to
                    DOS. If  you do  not want  to  create  a
                    subdirectory,  or  use  the  environment
                    variable setting,  then copy  dMENU  and
                    RUNMENU.BAT to  the  ROOT  directory  of
                    your hard  drive, and run it from there.
                    Make sure  you always  start dMENU  from
                    the directory where it is installed.

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