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 accept              Place keyboard input to string variable
 activategetpreblock() Activate a pre-get function
 altkey()            Return the current status of the Alt key
 altkeyc()           Return Alt key code for character
 altkeyn()           Return Alt key code for ASCII code
 capskey()           Return the CapsLock status
 clear gets          Delete active gets from read list
 clear typeahead     Clear the keyboard buffer
 combios()           Execute a serial port command
 cominit()           Initialize serial port
 comready()          Return if a byte is received in a serial port
 comrec()            Receive a character from a serial port
 comsend()           Send a character to a serial port
 comstatus()         Get serial port status
 ctrlkey()           Return the current status of the Ctrl key
 deactivategetpreblock() Cancel the current pre-get function
 definecursor()      Define custom cursor shape
 definesetkey()      Assign a function to a key press
 delay()             Delay execution while waiting for a key press
 dispatchkey()       Enable execution of functions associated with keys
 eject               Send a CR/FF to the print device
 get                 Create and display a get field
 getbell()           Return the bell flag
 getconfirm()        Return  the confirm flag
 getconsole()        Return the console flag
 getdelim()          Return the delimiter setting
 getdevprt()         Return the printer device setting
 getid()             Return the id number of a get field
 getintensity()      Return the intensity flag
 getkey()            Wait for keyboard input
 getmargin()         Return the margin setting
 getprint()          Return the print flag
 getprnhandle()      Return the handle of the current print device
 getscoreboard()     Return the scoreboard flag
 getsetbell()        Get and set the bell flag
 getsetconfirm()     Get and set the confirm flag
 getsetdelim()       Get and set the delimiters flag
 getsetdevprt()      Get and set the printer device
 getsetintensity()   Get and set the intensity flag
 getsetkey()         Return address of routine associated with a key
 getsetmargin()      Get and set the left margin
 getsetprint()       Get and set the print flag
 getsetscoreboard()  Get and set the scoreboard flag
 handleready()       Test a device handle for read or write
 initsetkey()        Initialize associating functions with key presses
 inkey()             Read a key from the keyboard and return key code
 input               Place keyboard input to variable
 insertkey()         Test the state of the insert mode
 iskey()             Return if a key press is available
 keybios()           Set up BIOS keyboard driver
 keyboard()          Stuff the keyboard buffer with a string
 keydirect()         Wait for keypress
 keydos()            Set up DOS keyboard driver
 keyint()            Stuff the keyboard with key press
 lastkey()           Return last key removed from keyboard buffer
 noburnkey()         Clear screen and scroll message
 npready()           Test if printer at specified port is ready
 numkey()            Return the state of the NumLock key
 pcol()              Return the current column position of the printer
 pready()            Determine if print device is ready to receive data
 prow()              Return the current printer row position
 prstatus()          Return printer port status
 read                Activate pending gets
 restoregets()       Restore a saved get/read
 savegets()          Save the state of a get/read
 say                 Display data at specified device location
 scrollkey()         Test if ScrollLock is on
 set bell            Control the bell flag
 set confirm         Control the confirm flag
 set console         Control the console flag
 set delimiters      Control the delimiters for the get system
 set delimiters to   Set the delimiter character
 set device to       Set the output device for the say command
 set intensity       Control the intensity flag
 set margin to       Set the left margin
 set print           Control the print flag
 set printer to      Specify the print device
 set scoreboard      Control the scoreboard flag
 setbell()           Set the bell flag
 setbreakkey()       Define a break key
 setcapskey()        Set Caps mode
 setconfirm()        Set the confirm flag
 setconsole()        Set the console flag
 setdbcrstring()     Define display for '@C' and '@X' picture functions
 setdelim()          Set the delimiters flag
 setdevprt()         Set the pronter device
 setinsertkey()      Set insert mode
 setintensity()      Set the intensity flag
 setlogicmask()      Set acceptable logical picture characters
 setmargin()         Set the left margin
 setnumkey()         Set NumLock mode
 setprc()            Set printer row and column counters
 setprint()          Set the print flag
 setscoreboard()     Set the scoreboard flag
 setscrollkey()      Set Scroll Lock mode
 shiftkey()          Test if the Shift key is pressed
 sound()             Sound a speaker tone of frequency/duration
 updatecursor()      Make cursor shape track state of Insert flag
 updatescoreboard()  Update active scoreboard items
 wait                Wait for key press while displaying a prompt
 waitkey()           Delay execution unless key is pressed
 waitproc()          Install a function to call with the wait command
 __cvtprncwi         Printer character conversion function pointer
 __getrefreshall     Get field global refresh status
 __last_key          Last key code
 __last_scancode     Last key scan code
 __pcol              Current printer column
 __pmargin           Printer margin setting
 __prnhandle         Current printer device handle
 __prow              Current printer row

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