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 chdir()             Change to the specified DOS directory
 chmod()             Test or set file attributes
 close alternate     Close alternate file
 copy file           Copy a file to a new file
 createtempfile()    Create a file with unique name
 curdir()            Return the current DOS directory
 curdisk()           Return the current DOS drive in character format
 curdrive()          Return the current DOS drive in numeric format
 curpath()           Return current path
 del()               Delete a file from disk
 diskfree()          Return free disk space on the specified drive
 diskspace()         Return free space on the specified drive
 disktotal()         Return total disk space on the specified drive
 driveinfo()         Return information about a disk drive
 drivestr()          Return list of existing drives
 erase               Delete a file
 exist()             Test if a file exists
 faccess()           Return the access mode of a file stream
 fbclose()           Close a binary file
 fbeof()             Check if a binary file is at EOF
 fbopen()            Open a binary file
 fbread()            Read data from a binary file
 fbreadp()           Read data from a binary file to a pointed-to buffer
 fbreopen()          Duplicate the handle of an open file
 fbseek()            Position the read/write pointer of a binary file
 fbwrite()           Write data to a binary file
 fbwriteln()         Write a line of text to a file
 fbwritep()          Write data from a pointed-to buffer to a file
 fclose()            Close an open text file
 feof()              Test if a text file is at EOF
 fflush()            Write any data in a file buffer to disk
 fgetc()             Read a character from a file stream
 fgetln()            Read a line of text from a text file
 fhandle()           Return the file handle of a file stream
 fileattrib()        Return attributes of the specified file
 filedate()          Return the date stamp of the specified file
 fileselect()        Display file selection dialog box
 filesize()          Return the size of the specified file
 filetime()          Return the time stamp of the specified file
 fileview()          Browse a text file
 findfattr()         Return file attributes after a file find
 findfdate()         Return the date of a file after a file find
 findfext()          Return the extension of a file after a file find
 findfirst()         Locate the first file matching a search pattern
 findfsize()         Return the size of a file after a file find
 findfstr()          Return the name of a file after a file find
 findftime()         Return the time stamp of a file after a file find
 findnext()          Find the next file in a sequence
 fopen()             Open a file as buffered file stream
 fput()              Write text to a buffered file stream
 fputc()             Write a single character to a buffered file stream
 fputln()            Write CR/LF and text line to buffered file stream
 frewind()           Reset file pointer to beginning of a file stream
 fsetvbuf()          Set the size of the file I/O buffer
 fwriteln()          Write text line followed by CR/LF to file stream
 getalternate()      Return the alternate flag
 getdefault()        Return the default directory
 getfiletime()       Get the time stamp of a file
 getsetalternate()   Get and set the alternate flag
 isdir()             Return if the specified directory exist
 isdrive()           Return if the specified drive exist
 makepath()          Generate full path from its components
 mkdir()             Create a directory
 morehandles()       Enable opening up to 255 files at one time
 pathof()            Return the full pathname of a file name
 ren()               Change the name of a file
 rename              Change the name of a file
 rmdir()             Remove a directory
 selectdrive()       Change the current drive
 set alternate       Control the alternate flag
 set alternate to    Control the alternate flag
 set default to      Set the DOS default drive and directory
 setalternate()      Set the alternate flag
 setfiletime()       Set the time stamp of a file
 splitcommand()      Split a full DOS command to its components
 splitpath()         Split a full path name to its components
 type                Display the contents of a file to the screen
 typefile()          Display the contents of a file

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