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 cdow()              Return the day of week in character format
 cmonth()            Return the month in character format
 ctod()              Convert a character string into a date value
 day()               Return the day of the month
 daysbtwdates()      Return the number of days between two dates
 daysfrom()          Return a date that is a number of days from a date
 ddow()              Return the week day according to German standards
 dow()               Convert date to number representing day of week
 dtoc()              Convert a date value to a character string
 dtos()              Convert a date to a field date string
 fdtoc()             Convert a field date string to a date string
 fdtod()             Convert a field date string to a date value
 getcentury()        Return the century flag
 getdate()           Return the date setting
 getepoch()          Return the epoch flag
 getsetcentury()     Get and set the century flag
 getsetdate()        Get and set the date format
 getsetepoch()       Get and set the epoch flag
 itod()              Convert day, month and year values into date value
 month()             Return the number of the month
 set century         Control the century flag
 set date            Control the format of date variables
 set epoch to        Control the epoch flag
 setcentury()        Set the century flag
 setdate()           Set the date format
 setepoch()          Set the epoch flag
 verifydate()        Verifies a date value
 year()              Return the year of a date
 __daynames          Day names array
 __monthnames        Month names array

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