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 -A<n>               Set maximum memory allocation

   <size> is the number of paragraphs to allocate to the program. Valid
   values are between 1 and 65535. One paragraph stands for 16 bytes.

   65535 paragraphs, corresponding to all conventional memory.

   The -A switch is used to set the number of paragraphs of memory
   allocated to a program after it loads. In most situations, the default
   value of 65535 for the maximum number of allocated paragraphs is the
   most appropriate for a program. This value will rarely need to be
   modified in the case of a conventional Force program.

   . Set maximum memory allocation to the default value of 65535 paragraphs.
     flink.exe test.obj
   . Restrict maximum memory allocation to 10000 paragraphs.
     flink.exe -A10000 test.obj

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