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 -Fo<x>              Set object file name

   <path> is an optional path for the object file.
   <file> is the file base file name of the object file.
   <ext> is an optional extension for the object file.

   The base name of the source file with .obj extension appended.

   The -Fo switch sets the name for the generated object file.
   By default, Force creates an object file with the extension .obj, having
   the same base name as the source code file in the current directory.

   If you want Force to either give another name to the object file or to
   write it into another directory, you can use this option to modify the
   default. Changing the default extension for the object file is not

   Note that using this option requires specifying the object file name,
   even if you want to keep the name and just have the object file
   written into another directory path.

   . Compile test.prg and write myobj.obj into the current directory.
     force.exe -Fomyobj test.prg
   . Compile test.prg and write test.obj into the obj directory located
     under the current directory.
     force.exe -Foobj\test.obj test.prg

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