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 !                   Alias override operator (unary)
 !                   Synonyme for .not.
 !=                  Inequality operator (relational)
 $                   Substring comparison (binary)
 %                   Modulus operator (binary)
 %=                  Modulus compound assignment operator (binary)
 &                   Address operator (unary)
 &                   Obsolete macro indicator for #define
 &&                  Obsolete form of //
 ()                  Function indicator
 ()                  Grouping indicator
 *                   Indirection operator (unary)
 *                   Multiplication operator (binary)
 *                   Obsolete comment indicator superceded by //
 **                  Exponentiation operator (binary)
 **=                 Exponentiation compound assignment operator (binary)
 */                  Multi-line comment end indicator
 *=                  Multiplication compound assignment operator (binary)
 +                   Addition operator (binary)
 +                   Positive sign (unary)
 +                   String concatenation operator (binary)
 ++                  Increment operator (postfix) (unary)
 +=                  Addition compound assignment operator (binary)
 -                   Sign negation (unary)
 -                   String concatenation with trim (binary)
 -                   Subtraction operator (binary)
 --                  Decrement operator (postfix) (unary)
 -=                  Subtraction compound assignment operator (binary)
 ->                  Alias assignment operator (binary)
 ->                  Indirect structure member operator (binary)
 .                   Structure member operator (binary)
 .and.               Logical AND operator (binary)
 .not.               Logical NOT operator (unary)
 .or.                Logical OR operator (binary)
 /                   Division operator (binary)
 /*                  Multi-line comment start indicator
 //                  Inline comment start indicator
 /=                  Division compound assignment operator (binary)
 :=                  Assignment operator (binary)
 ;                   Line combination
 ;                   Line separator
 <                   Less Than operator (relational)
 <=                  Less Than or Equal To operator (relational)
 <>                  Obsolete form of !=
 =                   Non-exact string comparison operator
 ==                  Equality operator (relational)
 >                   Greater Than operator (relational)
 >=                  Greater Than or Equal To operator (relational)
 sizeof()            Size of variable or type
 []                  Array index delimiters
 {}                  Literal array delimiters

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