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 activateprocs()     Activate resident procedures
 argc()              Return the number of command line arguments
 argv()              Return individual command line arguments
 beep()              Generate a system beep
 breakbegin()        Execute breakable code
 breakout()          Perform a break
 cancel              Terminate program with clean up
 chkinstalled()      Check if a TSR multiplex id exists in memory
 cpuspeed()          Return the relative CPU speed value
 critical()          Install function as the DOS critical error handler
 daysec()            Return time of the day in separate values
 dayseconds()        Return the number of seconds since midnight
 deactivateprocs()   Deactivate resident procedures
 doscall()           Execute a DOS int 21h call
 emessage()          Return the message associated with the last error
 envcount()          Return the number of items in master environment
 envsize()           Return the size of the master environment
 equipment()         Return BIOS equipment list
 exec()              Execute a child process
 fexit()             User-definable exit procedure
 finit()             User-definable start up procedure
 getbreak()          Return the status of the break flag
 getenv()            Return the value of a DOS environment variable
 getenvc()           Return environment variable (case sensitive)
 getexec()           Return full path name of currently running program
 getioresult()       Check the result of the last I/O operation
 getregs()           Save current register values
 iifb()              Conditional expression for byte values
 iifc()              Evaluate a conditional char expression
 iifd()              Evaluate a conditional date expression
 iifg()              Evaluate a conditional long expression
 iifi()              Evaluate a conditional int expression
 iifl()              Evaluate a conditional boolean expression
 iifn()              Evaluate a conditional dbl expression
 imessage()          Return the message associated with a runtime error
 initc()             Initialize C language support
 interrupt()         Call a system interrupt
 intwflags()         Call a system interrupt, returning flags
 intx86()            Execute 8086 software interrupt
 main()              Main code entry point function
 note                Place a single-line comment in source file
 on error do         Install a runtime error handler routine
 on idle do          Install a procedure to execute in the wait key loop
 on key do           Redirect keyboard input through a function
 on neterr do        Install network error handler routine
 os()                Return DOS version as string
 osver()             Return DOS version numbers
 parseenv()          Return an element of the master environment
 portinb()           Read a byte from an I/O port
 portinw()           Read a word from an I/O port
 portoutb()          Write a byte to an I/O port
 portoutw()          Write a word to an I/O port
 procentry()         Install a procedure to execute upon a key sequence
 quit                Terminate program with clean up
 restore             Initialize variables saved in a file
 run                 Execute a child process
 save                Save memory variables to disk
 seconds()           Return the number of seconds since midnight
 setbreak()          Allow the break key to stop a process
 setiotrap()         Set DOS error trapping mode
 setregs()           Set register values
 settime()           Set system time
 settoday()          Set system date
 store               Assign values to memory variables
 ticks()             Delay execution for specified number of clock ticks
 time()              Return the current system time
 timerentry()        Install a procedure to periodically execute
 today()             Return the current system date
 tsr()               Terminate a program that remains resident
 tsrinstall()        Install a multiplex id number
 unloadtsr()         Remove a TSR application from memory
 version()           Return Force library version
 waitms()            Wait for specified time
 _quit               Terminate program
 __bregs             Processor byte register value array
 __errcode           Current error code
 __errcritical       Critical error status structure
 __exit_status       Child process exit code
 __lib_lang          Force library language
 __psp               PSP segment address
 __regs              Processor word register value array
 __stackmin          Minimum free runtime stack space

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