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#+-| SCRN_DIRECT |------------------------------+#############################
#| +-------------+ Channels FORCE screen output |#############################
#| directly to the screen area |#############################
#+--| Summary |------------+##################################################
#| #INCLUDE io.hdr |##################################################
#+--| Syntax |-----------------------------+##################################
#| PROCEDURE scrn_direct PROTOTYPE |##################################
#########+---| Description |---------------------------------------+##########
#########| The scrn_direct procedure channels FORCE screen output |##########
#########| directly to the screen area, bypassing the BIOS and DOS |##########
#########| routines for video hardware. |##########
#########| ------------------------------------------------------- |##########
#########| scrn_direct is the default I/O driver for the FORCE |##########
#########| library. If a program is to run on a "close" IBM |##########
#########| compatible, then use the scrn_dos or scrn_bios output |##########
#########| drivers. |##########
#########+---| Design |--------------------------------------------+##########
#########| The FORCE library contains replaceable drivers for |##########
#########| screen and keyboard I/O. FORCE library contains three |##########
#########| standard libraries for screen output: scrn_dos, |##########
#########| scrn_bios and scrn_direct. |##########
#########| ------------------------------------------------------- |##########
#########| The FORCE screen drivers affect ANY COMMAND THAT CAN BE |##########
#########| SENT TO AN ALTERNATE FILE. It does not redirect the |##########
#########| output of the SAY or GET commands, which have a |##########
#########| different output system. |##########
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| * Restore the direct screen I/O system. |#########
#########| |#########
#########| DO scrn_direct |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| * Establish which driver should be used during |#########
#########| * an installation procedure. |#########
#########| |#########
#########| DO get_computer_type WITH computer_type |#########
#########| IF computer_type = "close" |#########
#########| DO scrn_dos |#########
#########| ELSE |#########
#########| DO scrn_direct |#########
#########| ENDIF |#########
See Also: key_bios key_dos scrn_dos
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