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ABS_TO_X()                                                          G_EXAM08
   Returns the X value of the logical pixel position on the screen.

         nN = ABS_TO_X(nPixel,nType)

         nType       Sets the type of coodinate system.
                     0 - World coordinate system.
                     1 - Axis scale coordinates.
                     2 - Screen coordinate upper-left (0,0) to lower-right
         nPixel      Sets the absolute pixel position.

         nN          Returns the value of the logical pixel position on the

         ABS_TO_X() returns the world coordinate value, X axis value, or
         screen coordinate value of the logical pixel position on the screen.
         nType determines what value will be returned.

         Type 0: the screen location based on the world coordinates. The
         default world values for the upper left corner are 0,0. The lower
         right corner of the screen is 100,100.

         Type 1: the relative position on the graph based on the X and Y scale
         position. If the X-axis scale was from 0 to 10 units, then ATX(5,1)
         would return a physical pixel location on the X scale at X equal to

         Type 2: the position based on coordinates (0,0) for upper left and
         (100,100) for lower right for the entire screen.

See Also: ABS_TO_Y() ATX() ATY()

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