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X-Hacker.org- FiveWin 1.9.2 - January 97 - <b>class tbutton</b> inherits from tcontrol
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Class TButton Inherits from TControl
bAction CodeBlock for the click event.
lDefault The button has default style.
New Constructor from source code.
ReDefine Constructor for resources.
cGetPRG Generates the source code of the button.
Click Mouse left button event handler.
Colors Overrides control Color() management.
cToChar Generates a data template to build a Dialog.
GotFocus Action to be performed when getting the focus.
Init Action to be performed on init.
KeyDown Action to be performed when a key is pressed down.
LostFocus Action to be performed when losing the focus.
MouseMove Action to be performed when moving the mouse over.
See Also: Commands FiveWin.ch
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