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#xcommand DEFINE BUTTONBAR [ <oBar> ] ;
             [ <size: SIZE, BUTTONSIZE, SIZEBUTTON > <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
             [ <_3d: 3D, 3DLOOK> ] ;
             [ <mode: TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM, FLOAT> ] ;
             [ <wnd: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ;
             [ CURSOR <oCursor> ] ;
      => ;
         [ <oBar> := ] TBar():New( <oWnd>, <nWidth>, <nHeight>, <._3d.>,;
             [ Upper(<(mode)>) ], <oCursor> )

#xcommand @ <nRow>, <nCol> BUTTONBAR [ <oBar> ] ;
             [ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
             [ BUTTONSIZE <nBtnWidth>, <nBtnHeight> ] ;
             [ <_3d: 3D, 3DLOOK> ] ;
             [ <mode: TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM, FLOAT> ] ;
             [ <wnd: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ;
             [ CURSOR <oCursor> ] ;
      => ;
         [ <oBar> := ] TBar():NewAt( <nRow>, <nCol>, <nWidth>, <nHeight>,;
             <nBtnWidth>, <nBtnHeight>, <oWnd>, <._3d.>, [ Upper(<(mode)>) ],;
             <oCursor> )

#xcommand DEFINE BUTTON [ <oBtn> ] ;
             [ <bar: OF, BUTTONBAR > <oBar> ] ;
             [ <resource: NAME, RESNAME, RESOURCE> <cResName1> ;
                [,<cResName2>[,<cResName3>] ] ] ;
             [ <file: FILE, FILENAME, DISK> <cBmpFile1> ;
                [,<cBmpFile2>[,<cBmpFile3>] ] ] ;
             [ <action:ACTION,EXEC> <uAction,...> ] ;
             [ <group: GROUP > ] ;
             [ MESSAGE <cMsg> ] ;
             [ <adjust: ADJUST > ] ;
             [ WHEN <WhenFunc> ] ;
             [ TOOLTIP <cToolTip> ] ;
             [ <lPressed: PRESSED> ] ;
             [ ON DROP <bDrop> ] ;
             [ AT <nPos> ] ;
             [ PROMPT <cPrompt> ] ;
             [ FONT <oFont> ] ;
             [ <lNoBorder: NOBORDER> ] ;
      => ;
         [ <oBtn> := ] TBtnBmp():NewBar( <cResName1>, <cResName2>,;
            <cBmpFile1>, <cBmpFile2>, <cMsg>, [{|This|<uAction>}],;
            <.group.>, <oBar>, <.adjust.>, <{WhenFunc}>,;
            <cToolTip>, <.lPressed.>, [\{||<bDrop>\}], [\"<uAction>\"], <nPos>,;
            <cPrompt>, <oFont>, [<cResName3>], [<cBmpFile3>], [!<.lNoBorder.>] )

#xcommand REDEFINE BTNBMP [<oBtn>] ;
             [ ID <nId> ] ;
             [ <bar: OF, BUTTONBAR > <oBar> ] ;
             [ <resource: NAME, RESNAME, RESOURCE> <cResName1> ;
                [,<cResName2>[,<cResName3>] ] ] ;
             [ <file: FILE, FILENAME, DISK> <cBmpFile1> ;
                [,<cBmpFile2>[,<cBmpFile3>] ] ] ;
             [ <action:ACTION,EXEC> <uAction,...> ] ;
             [ MESSAGE <cMsg> ] ;
             [ <adjust: ADJUST > ] ;
             [ WHEN <uWhen> ] ;
             [ <lUpdate: UPDATE> ] ;
             [ TOOLTIP <cToolTip> ] ;
             [ PROMPT <cPrompt> ] ;
             [ FONT <oFont> ] ;
      => ;
         [ <oBtn> := ] TBtnBmp():ReDefine( <nId>, <cResName1>, <cResName2>,;
            <cBmpFile1>, <cBmpFile2>, <cMsg>, [{|Self|<uAction>}],;
            <oBar>, <.adjust.>, <{uWhen}>, <.lUpdate.>, <cToolTip>,;
            <cPrompt>, <oFont>, [<cResName3>], [<cBmpFile3>] )

#xcommand @ <nRow>, <nCol> BTNBMP [<oBtn>] ;
             [ <resource: NAME, RESNAME, RESOURCE> <cResName1> [,<cResName2>] ] ;
             [ <file: FILE, FILENAME, DISK> <cBmpFile1> [,<cBmpFile2>] ] ;
             [ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
             [ ACTION <uAction,...> ] ;
             [ <of:OF, WINDOW, DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ;
             [ MESSAGE <cMsg> ] ;
             [ WHEN <uWhen> ] ;
             [ <adjust: ADJUST> ] ;
             [ <lUpdate: UPDATE> ] ;
      => ;
         [ <oBtn> := ] TBtnBmp():New( <nRow>, <nCol>, <nWidth>, <nHeight>,;
            <cResName1>, <cResName2>, <cBmpFile1>, <cBmpFile2>,;
            [{|Self|<uAction>}], <oWnd>, <cMsg>, <{uWhen}>, <.adjust.>,;
            <.lUpdate.> )


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