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 DialogBoxes xBase commands

 DialogBox creation from       DEFINE DIALOG <oDlg> ;
 source code and redefinition     [ NAME | RESNAME | RESOURCE <cResName> ] ;
 for resources                    [ TITLE <cTitle> ] ;
                                  [ FROM <nTop>, <nLeft> TO <nBottom>, <nRight> ] ;
                                  [ LIBRARY | DLL <hResources> ] ;
                                  [ VBX ] ;
                                  [ STYLE <nStyle> ] ;
                                  [ COLOR | COLORS <nClrText> [,<nClrBack> ] ] ;
                                  [ BRUSH <oBrush> ] ;
                                  [ WINDOW | DIALOG | OF <oWnd> ] ;
                                  [ PIXEL ] ;
                                  [ ICON <oIco> ] ;
                                  [ FONT <oFont> ] ;
                                  [ HELP | HELPID <nHelpId> ] ;

 Making the DialogBox work     ACTIVATE DIALOG <oDlg> ;
                                  [ CENTER | CENTERED ] ;
                                  [ NOWAIT | NOMODAL ] ;
                                  [ WHEN <uWhen> ] ;
                                  [ VALID <uValid> ] ;
                                  [ ON [ LEFT ] CLICK <uClick> ] ;
                                  [ ON INIT <uInit> ] ;
                                  [ ON MOVE <uMoved> ] ;
                                  [ ON PAINT <uPaint> ] ;
                                  [ ON RIGHT CLICK <uRClicked> ]

 <oDlg>               The variable that is going to hold the
                      DialogBox object. It is a 'reference' to the
                      DialogBox object.

 <cResName>           The name of the DialogBox inside resource.
                      The resource may be stored in a .RC file or in
                      a .DLL file. Normally you use the 'Rename' option from
                      a resource editor to give a name to the resource

 <cTitle>             The title of the DialogBox. You may also change the
                      title of a resource DialogBox. This means that you
                      may use the same DialogBox for different purposes by
                      just changing its title.

 <nTop>, <nLeft>      The coordinates of the DialogBox when creating the
 <nBottom>, <nRight>  DialogBox from source code.

 <hResources>     An optional handle to a resource DLL. This is useful
                      when using several DLLs at the same time that hold
                      different resources. By default this handle is
                      the application handle (when using .RC) or the handle
                      of the DLL when using SET RESOURCES TO...

 <nStyle>         An optional DialogBox style. There are several samples
                      in the SAMPLES\ subdirectory showing you how to
                      manipulate this value. If you are using a DialogBox
                      from a resource then you have to select the style from
                      inside the resource editor.

 <nClrText>,      The fore and back colors of the DialogBox.

 <oBrush>         An optional brush to use to fill the surface of the

 <oWnd>           An optional container object of the DialogBox. By
                      default we use the window that is currently active.
                      If you want to show DialogBoxes control messages
                      on the bottom line of the screen you have to specify
                      its container.

 <oIco>           An optional ICON to show when the DialogBox has been

 <oFont>          An optional Font to use for all the DialogBoxes.

 <uWhen>          WHEN clause that permits the DialogBox to start

 <uValid>         VALID clause to control the ending of the DialogBox.

 <nHelpId>        The Help topic identifier of the dialog.

 <uClick>             Optional action to perform when the left mouse
                      button is clicked over the DialogBox surface.
                      Three parameters: nRow, nCol, nFlags are automatically

                      nRow        The row position (in pixels) where the
                                  mouse was when it was clicked.

                      nCol        The col position (in pixels) where the
                                  mouse was when it was clicked.

                      nFlags      A numeric flag which contains information
                                  about special keys being pressed at the
                                  same time: (values are 'ORed')

                                  Value   Description

                                  MK_CONTROL      Set if CTRL key is down.
                                  MK_MBUTTON      Set if middle button is down.
                                  MK_RBUTTON      Set if right button is down.
                                  MK_SHIFT        Set if SHIFT key is down.

                                  #define MK_LBUTTON    0x0001
                                  #define MK_RBUTTON    0x0002
                                  #define MK_SHIFT      0x0004
                                  #define MK_CONTROL    0x0008
                                  #define MK_MBUTTON    0x0010

                                  You may inspect them using FiveWin lAnd()

                                  if lAnd( nFlags, MK_CONTROL )

                                  if lAnd( nFlags, MK_SHIFT, MK_CONTROL )

 <uInit>              An optional action to perform when the DialogBox is
                      created but not shown on the screen. In this situation
                      the DialogBox behaves like a Window, and we may do all
                      kind of operations as we do with a window, (like placing
                      a ButtonBar on it!)

 <uMoved>             An optional action to be performed when the DialogBox
                      is moved.

 <uPaint>             An optional action to be performed when the DialogBox
                      has just been painted.

 <uRClicked>          An optional action to be performed when the right mouse
                      button has been clicked on the DialogBox surface.  You
                      can use the same three parameters as in <uClick>.


 VBX                  You may specify this when using a VBX control in the

 PIXEL                When you want the DialogBox coordinates (creating
                      the DialogBox from source code) to be in pixels.

 CENTER               If you want the DialogBox to appear centered
 CENTERED             on the screen.

 NOWAIT               If the DialogBox has to behave NonModal. NonModal
 NOMODAL              means that other DialogBoxes may be working at the
                      same time! NonModal programming requires some special

                      * Take care of local variables: If you are using some
                        locals then remember you will go out of the scope
                        of the function where the DialogBox nonmodal has
                        been created and this may cause problems (only if
                        you don't remember it). Clipper works perfectly in
                        these circumstances as it keeps 'live references'
                        of the local variables inside the codeblocks. But
                        only these will be 'alive' out of the function.

                      * The same DialogBox may be executed several times.
                        Be aware of your DBF management. In these circums-
                        tances your computer is like a NetWork! because
                        a DBF may be opened several times. It is a good
                        idea to start learning NetWork programming
                        -it is really easy!-

                      * Normally we recommend that you not develop NonModal
                        applications for novice Windows-users. As soon
                        as your clients get more and more used to Windows,
                        NonModal programming is highly recommended. See
                        MDI programming (in this documentation) for
                        a very elegant and powerful NonModal programming

See Also: Class TDialog

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